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101. The Need for Speed
102. Crocodile Chronicles
103. Lion Kings
104. Flying Hooves
105. Hippos: Swim At Your Own Risk
106. Spooky Africa
107. Africa’s Strongest Animals
108. Paradise Found: The Okavango
109. All in the Elephant Family
110. Slimy Slithers
111. Dogs of Africa
112. The Big Five  
113. Leaders of the Pack
114. Giraffes: Africa’s Skyscrapers
115. Animal Addresses
116. Buffaloes Still Roam
117. Sharks: Lords of the Deep
118. Small Survivors
119. Rhino’s: Disappearing Giants
120. Thieves of the Savanna
121. Zebra Zone
122. Mud Hole
123. Africa Cat’s Cradle
124. Wild Climbers
125. Surviving the Hunt
126. Wildebeest Watch






201. Pack Mentality
202. Cold-Blooded Critters
203. 24 Hours 
204. Cunning Canines 
205. Scary Africa II
206. Africa on the Brink
207. Animal Olympics
208. Welcome to the Jungle
209. Giraffe Wranglers 
210. Wildlife Parks
211. Big Five Supersized 
212. Pengiun Party  
213. Surf and Turf 
214. Africa's Heavyweights
215. Neighborhood Watch 
216. Africa Close Up 
217. Waterworld 
218. Fighting Mad
219. Unforgettable Mugs
220. Primate Power 
221. Giraffes: The View From Above
222. Big Time Big Game
223. Born Leaders
224. Wildebeest Safari
225. Striped Horses of Africa
226. Mad About Mud






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