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Season 10 Episode Guide 

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Did You Know? 

Because of the joints in their knees, neither kangaroos or emus have the ability to walk backwards. 

Find a Zoo Near You

Click here to find a zoo in your area to visit all of your animal friends seen on Animal Atlas! 

Fun Fact! 

A woodpecker can peck its beak an amazing 20 times per second. That's fast!  

Animal Crossword

Click here to download our Animal Atlas Crossword Puzzle! 

Animal Matching Game

Click here to download our Animal Atlas Matching Game! 

Episode 1001: Show Me Some Backbone

An exciting look into what it takes to stand up and show some backbone! We’re investigating the vertebrates- animals with a backbone, or spinal column; and what these mammals have in common with other types of animals. 

Episode 1002: Wet In The Wild

An exploration into how animals of all shapes and sizes get wet, how they stay dry, and why water really does make the animal world go round.


Episode 1003: Horns, Antlers, Teeth, and Tusks

We’ll poke, prod, bite and batter our way through the animal kingdom to take a closer look at animals with things that jut out, stick up and curl under: whether it’s horns, antler, teeth, or tusks; animals who are well-equipped to deal with the harsh realities of a dog-eat-dog or predator-eat-prey world.  

Episode 1004: Big Cats 

We’ll lounge with the lions, jump with the jaguar, leap with the leopard and play tag with the tiger to compare some of the biggest cats of the animal kingdom: what they have in common; where they come from; and what’s unique about each of these felines.

Episode 1005: Full Body Armor

A panoramic look at how shells are the secret to protecting certain animals out in the wild. From the giant clam, to the slippery snail, to the alligator snapping turtle...the shell is where it’s at! 

Episode 1006: Sea Dogs

We’ll ride the waves with the walrus, roll in the kelp with the sea otter and bask in the sun with the elephant seal as we take a closer look at the “dogs of the sea.”

Episode 1007: Converging on an Idea 

We’ll find out if bats are related to birds, why the pronghorn isn’t an antelope and if vultures in America are the same as vultures in Africa. No matter where you end up in the world, you’ll find animals off all sorts converging on an idea that works. 

Episode 1008: Predator, Meet Prey 

We’re setting out to explore the most primal relationship in the animal world...the one between predator and prey. We’ll run away with the antelope, chase with the cheetah and eat with the lions as we peer into the world of meat-eaters. 


Episode 1009: Language Without Words

Just because animals don’t have words they can use, doesn’t mean they aren’t commutating. We’ll examine how animals communicate with one another.


Episode 1010: The Benefits of Being Wet

We’re taking a closer look at the benefits of living underwater! From fish, to dolphins, and even sharks, we’ll dive to the depths of the ocean to find out what makes marine life so special. 


Episode 1011: The Good Life

We’re living the good life as we take an adventure into the world of zoos! From their storied history, to their modern conveniences, we’ll explore why living in a zoo isn’t such a bad place after all.  

Episode 1012: Island Hopping 

It’s time to sit back and relax into the island life as we discover the unique creatures that live the island life.  

Episode 1013: Old World/New World

We’ll hang with some New World monkeys, cross a land bridge from the New World to the Old World with a camel and run races with an Old World horse as we discover the differences between animals from the New World and the Old World. 

Episode 1014: Locomotion

We’re exploring the different ways that animals from all around the world locomote, and by that we mean move! From swinging with the monkeys to hopping with the kangaroos, we’ll tell the tale of how animals move. 

Episode 1015: Exception To The Rules

We’ll come up for air, take a run on the sand, and soar to the clouds, but we’re going to do it all a little differently as we explore animals that break the rules. 

Episode 1016: Beat The Heat

An investigation into how animals beat the heat! From cooling off in the mud with a hippo, to digging a den with a wolf, we’ll see what animals do when the temperature rises! 

Episode 1017: Life History

We’ll go on a journey to discover the many different stages of an animal’s life...from the curious newborn, to the wise and worldly elders of the animal kingdom.

Episode 1018: What's So Special? 

We’ll explore what makes certain animals so special and why they really, stand out from other living things! From the butterfly that drinks its meals to why bald really is beautiful; we’re on a journey of discovering some of the odd, but “special” quirks of animal world. 

Episode 1019: Big Eaters

A panoramic look at some of the biggest eaters on the planet! Join us, as we chomp with the crocodile, swallow with a shark and get a not-so-gentle hug from an anaconda. 

Episode 1020: Super Animals

We’re going to meet the superheroes of the animal world as we find animals who are faster than a speeding cheetah, more powerful than a gorilla, and ones that can leap tall trees in a single bound. 

Episode 1021: Long Live Animals

An exploration into what it means to grow old in the animal world as we take a look back at some long, long animal lives. 

Episode 1022: Herd Mentality

We’re taking a journey to find out what it means to have a “herd’ mentality. From flocks, to swarms and even schools...we’ll decipher how it pays off to travel in a group. 

Episode 1023: Weaponry

A look into the ways that animals use their own bodies, their claws, horns, teeth, and lots of other ways to protect themselves and go on the offensive out in the animal kingdom.  

Episode 1024: What's In A Name? 

An exploration into the ins and outs of how animals are named. So what IS in a name, exactly? A lot and sometimes al little, but you’ll just have to meet the animal to find out.  

Episode 1025: A Day In The Life Of Animals

We’ll hunt like a lion, catch some rays with an alligator and eat like a horse as we spend a day in the animal kingdom to see how animals survive both in the zoo and out in the wild.  

Episode 1026: Down To The Bone

It’s time to get those skeletons out of the closet and dig up some fossils as we get under the skin of some animals and talk bones!  








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