Season 8 Episode Guide
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Did You Know?
Because of the joints in their knees, neither kangaroos or emus have the ability to walk backwards.

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Fun Fact!
A woodpecker can peck its beak an amazing 20 times per second. That's fast!
Episode 801: Monkey Around
A look into the world of the “not great” apes—including the amazing singing siamangs, the sopranos of the forest—that are smaller than the great apes and often confused with monkeys.
Episode 802: Aquatic Mammals
A look at the rare mammals that live in the ocean, such as dolphins and whales, and how their food and environment make them appear and act unique.
Episode 803: Kingdom of Animal Names
The origin of animals’ names and the interesting stories behind their meanings.
Episode 804: Moving Right Along
An animal’s legs and feet can reveal information about its home, its food, and how it survives.
Episode 805: School of Mammals
What makes a mammal a mammal? Hint: It isn’t just feeding its young with milk. It’s a whole lot more.
Episode 806: From Home to Farm to Wild
A look into the animals that live in our homes and on our farms and how they became domesticated.
Episode 807: Animal Populations
A look into the reasons that some animal populations have dramatically decreased because of loss of habitat and climate change and what it means to be endangered.
Episode 808: Going Amphibious
A look at animals that live on land and underwater and how they survive submerged—from amphibians to turtles to swimming reptiles.
Episode 809: Animals of the Largest Continent
A look at the animals of Asia, such as tigers, great pandas, and great apes.
Episode 810: Feathered Friends
Grab your binoculars for this panoramic look at birds. We inspect their wings, beaks, feet, and how they fly. We’ll also ask why the famed penguin and ostrich are flightless.
Episode 811: Three Household Favorites
The most recognizable animals in America may be dogs, cats, and horses. What makes them unique and how did they become members of our families?
Episode 812: Into The Jungle
We explore two of the great apes of Africa: the lowland gorilla and the chimpanzee.
Episode 813: American Animals
A look at animals, both unusual and familiar, from North and South America and an investigation into how they differ by continent.
Episode 814: The Modern Zoo
A look at the evolution of zoos from the simple caging of animals for recreational viewing to the construction of animal habitats to give captive animals more physical and mental stimulation.
Episode 815: Surviving The Wild
How animals have adapted to survive the wild.
Episode 816: Bear Country
A look at bears from all over, including the polar bear, American black bear, the brown bear, and more.
Episode 817: The Horse, Of Course
Enter the world of the domestic horse. Learn where horses come from, who their relatives are in the wild, how they range in size, and what they have been bred to do.
Episode 818: Reptile Roundup
A rousing roundup of all the reptiles in the animal kingdom. First, what is a reptile? To answer that question, we have to travel way back in time, to the dinosaurs! We’ll also look at who qualifies as a reptile and who doesn’t. You might be surprised.
Episode 819: Cats and Dogs
What do cats and dogs have in common? For starters, they have both moved into our homes by the millions. But that’s not all. From super senses to predatory behavior, cats and dogs share characteristics that might surprise you. From the lion to the housecat, from the wolf to the Labrador retriever puppy, we’ll meet them all.
Episode 820: Happy Cat
Is our tame, playful domestic cat really related to the authoritative, wild lion of the African savanna? Absolutely. We’ll explore the incredible diversity of cats, and look at characteristics they all share, whether they’re pouncing on a ball of string or a wildebeest.
Episode 821: Dog Days
Has man’s best friend always been a friend? Ask the wolf. Dogs trace their history back to wild canines that man bred into loyal animals for working, hunting, and companionship. We’ll explore how this happened and wag our heads at the diversity of the result!
Episode 822: Fish Friendly
Grab your fins and come swim with the fishes. No two fish species are alike, and some species called “fish” are anything but. Sounds fishy, doesn’t it? From the tropics to the cold, dark, rocky seafloor, we’ll shine a light on a variety of fins.
Episode 823: Head Cases
What’s in a head? What’s not? Animals sense the world through their heads, and judging from the vast variety of head shapes, sizes, and designs, they sense the world in unique ways. Care to sense the world through the eyes, ears, or nose of a different animal? Then come along!
Episode 824: What's In a Tail?
Sure, a tail can be long, short, fluffy, or hairless, but how do animals use their tails? Are they merely decorative? No way. We’ll show you the incredible ways that animals use their tails. How about as a third leg, or third hand, or weapon, or as a magnet for attraction? You won’t be able to stay away from this tale!
Episode 825: Symbolic Creatures
What does an animal mean? Tough question. Ever seen an eagle on a dollar bill? Or a bear on a state flag? How about a lion on a shield? Yes, for thousands of years man has made animals into symbols to convey a meaning. We’ll explore who’s a symbol and why.
Episode 826: Fleet of Foot, Wing, and Fin
What does an animal mean? Tough question. Ever seen an eagle on a dollar bill? Or a bear on a state flag? How about a lion on a shield? Yes, for thousands of years man has made animals into symbols to convey a meaning. We’ll explore who’s a symbol and why.