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Season 7 Episode Guide 

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Did You Know? 

Because of the joints in their knees, neither kangaroos or emus have the ability to walk backwards. 

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Click here to find a zoo in your area to visit all of your animal friends seen on Animal Atlas! 

Fun Fact! 

A woodpecker can peck its beak an amazing 20 times per second. That's fast!  

Episode 701: On The Nose

A closer look at animal noses and the sense of smell. We sniff out animals, like the elephant, with noses that do much more than gather scents. We also take a close look at the dolphin, whose “nose”  is  not  a  nose  at all. We ask why some animals, like dogs, have a terrific sense of smell,  while  others,  such  as  birds,  can’t   smell a thing.

Episode 702: What's That In The Rainforest?!

An exploration of the life inside tropical rainforests. We ask what defines a rainforest? Where are rainforests located? What animals live there? Along the way we meet the giant anteater, the capybara, the bush dog, sloths, tapirs, and jaguars, too.

Episode 703: Ape, Monkey, Ape

Are apes and monkeys the same? No, but they have a lot in common. We zoom in on the differences between these two branches of primates...  and  delve further. We discover that not all monkeys are the same. Nor are apes. We look at primates with tails like fifth limbs and those with no tails at all.

Episode 704: Go West, Monkeys!

An in depth exploration of New World monkeys. First, we explore the New World—what is the “New World’? We look at how the flora, fauna, and monkeys of the Americas differ from their “Old World” counterparts. Along the way, we climb through the trees with spider monkeys, woolly monkeys, tamarins, and howler monkeys, just to name a few.

Episode 705: The Cud-Chewers

A panoramic survey of the ruminants, from giraffes to deer to cattle to antelopes to goats and sheep. We divvy the ungulates into groups based on the number of toes  they  have,  and  ask  them  directly,  “why  do  you  chew  your  cud?”  And  hey,   what  is  “cud”? We look at how the cud-chewers differ from their grazing, herbivorous cousins, and how a four-chambered stomach can turn a green lawn into a hearty meal.

Episode 706: The Tiger's Tale

All about tigers: the various species and how they differ in terms of size, habitat, location, and diet. We meet animals brave enough to live in tiger territory, and compare tigers to the rest of the members of the cat family. We find out how a tiger hunts and how its stripes aid in the process.

Episode 707: In With The In-Crowd: Invertebrates & insects

A panoramic look at invertebrates and insects. First, a basic overview of how invertebrates and vertebrates are different, beyond the  obvious  prefix,  “-in.”  Then,   we delve into the world of the largest group of animals. We ask how an exoskeleton differs from a skeleton made of bone. We find out who the arthropods are and what cold-blooded  means  in  the  “In”  world.

Episode 708: The "Scary" Creatures

A rollicking and  informative  romp  through  the  world  of  those  scary  “S”  creatures:   spiders, snakes, scorpions and sharks. We take a closer look at the two arachnids, the fish, and the reptile on the list. What makes these animals so scary? What makes  them  admirable?  Finally,  why  don’t  other  “S”  creatures  send  a  tingle  up   the spine?

Episode 709: Bats In The Belfry

What’s  extraordinary and fascinating about bats?  How  about  this:  they’re  the only mammal that can fly. Or this: they use echolocation to find their way around at night. Some are microbats and some are megabats. Some are fruit-eaters that pollinate plants. Others, well, drink blood. Okay, it sounds wrong, but vampire bats sure get a bad rap from the popular vampire myths. We look at just how these thumb-sized bats  feed...  at  night...  silently...  under  a  full  moon.

Episode 710: The Water Life

We look closely at the relationship between water and animals that aren’t fish. With webbed feet, air-tight nostrils, flippers, and flukes, a fascinating variety of animals are specially adapted  for  life  in  or  near  the  water.  We’ll  meet them face- to-face: the otters, hippos, dolphins, beluga whales, and many more.

Episode 711: Family Matters

What constitutes an animal family? You might be surprised. A taxonomic family includes animals grouped together because they share characteristics—but  don’t   count on all family members looking alike. Take the manatee and elephant for example. Same family. Entirely different appearances. Yes, the animal kingdom is full of incredible families!

Episode 712: Social Animals, Solitary Creatures 

We’re  social.  Are  other  animals social, too? Do some animals live together, play together,  and  need  each  other  to  survive  and  thrive?  You  bet!  We’ll  meet  a  few   kinds of animals that live the social life, and others that live a very different solitary life.

Episode 713: The Water Carnivores

Carnivores come in a variety of shapes and sizes.  In  this  episode,  we’ll  look  at   carnivores who either live in or simply feed in the water. We’ll meet the enormous whale shark, bald eagle, jaguar, and playful otter, to name a few.

Episode 714: Birds to be Reckoned With

What makes a bird  special?  What  doesn’t?  Flight, feathers, beaks, bills, webbed feet, unique diets, a range of sizes, and incredible habitats make birds one of the most various and fascinating kinds of animals the world over.

Episode 715: Why We Love Monkeys

Why do we love monkeys? Well, they make funny faces, live in trees, have dexterous hands, and an athletic manner of moving through the branches. But mainly,  they’re  a  heckuva  lot  of  fun.  From  the  Old  World  to  the  New  World,  this   is one rollicking ride with the monkeys.

Episode 716: The Behemoth Pachyderms

A close look at three behemoths: the elephant, rhino, and hippo. All are enormous and all are related—in more ways than one.

Episode 717: My, That's A Lovely Color On You! 

How is color used in the animal kingdom? Certainly to attract, but also to conceal. What about color as a signifier of rank? Ask the silverback gorilla about that one. Yes,  through  all  the  colors  of  the  rainbow  and  from  spots  to  stripes,  we’ll  reveal   the myriad fashions and intents of the animal world.

Episode 718: Watch Out! 

How do we first learn about animals? We observe them, a lesson we can take from the observant orangutan.  In  this  episode,  we’ll  learn  how  animals  observe   the world and how we can observe them, and specifically, what we need to look for.

Episode 719: Black & White And...Pink? 

In the bird world, no two creatures could be more different than the penguin and the  flamingo.  For  fun,  we’ll  explore  the  life  of  each  of  our  feathered  friends,  and   in so doing, reveal the great range and variety inherent in the bird world.

Episode 720: So True! So False!

The human world sure spreads a lot of rumors about the animal world—of which we are a part, of course. In this episode, we explore a few of these rumors and ask are  they  “So  True,”  or  “So  False,”  or  maybe  a  little  bit  of  both?  

Episode 721: How Animals Adapt 

Animals may seem to change in only one way—they grow up and grow old. But animals also evolve and adapt, though this process can take many generations. In this  episode,  we’ll  reveal  some  of  the  most  incredible  adaptations  in  the  animal   world.

Episode 722: After The Dinosaurs

What animals rose to distinction after the disappearance of the dinosaurs? Many of them are alive today, and many of them were alive during the time of the dinosaurs. Yes, the post-dinosaur world created openings for birds, reptiles, and mammals to thrive.

Episode 723: By Snout, By Claw

Diet aside, what makes a carnivore different from an herbivore? How about teeth and claws? We take an up close look at the variety of meat-eating, prey-catching characteristics of the carnivores, including at least one reformed carnivore, the giant panda.

Episode 724: Living Like A Pig 

Don’t  call  them  dirty!  We’ll  show  you  why  pigs  are  smart,  cute,  and  if  not   squeaky  clean,  at  least  neat  and  tidy.  We’ll  also  look  at  how  pigs  became   domesticated and meet some of their wild relatives, including—surprise—the hippo!

Episode 725: Finding Sanctuary 

Endangered animals and those overlooked because of injury or old age need sanctuary. In this episode, we visit a sanctuary for farm animals in North Texas and a modern zoo in Louisville, Kentucky where endangered species are bred. The moral is, animals need our help, and some animals are getting it.

Episode 726: Zoo Life In The Lone Star State

The Dallas Zoo and Dallas World Aquarium sure support the cliché that everything is big in Texas! We visit these two extraordinary zoological parks to find, among other habitats, a South American rainforest, and to meet dozens of non-native fish, big cats, and crocs.

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