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Season 4 Episode Guide

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Did You Know? 

Because of the joints in their knees, neither kangaroos or emus have the ability to walk backwards. 

Find a Zoo Near You

Click here to find a zoo in your area to visit all of your animal friends seen on Animal Atlas! 

Fun Fact! 

A woodpecker can peck its beak an amazing 20 times per second. That's fast!  

Episode 401: 30 MPH

What animals, whether two-legged, four-legged or winged, can break the land speed/air speed of 30 miles per hour, the footspeed man has never reached.  From the very fast: the cheetah, the horse, the peregrine falcon; to the slow and steady tortoise.

Episode 402: Who's A Symbol? 

Animals who represent something to us, beyond themselves and majestic wildlife: the lion as courage; the bear as strength and fortitude; the bald eagle as freedom; the kangaroo as progressiveness, and a whole lot more.

Episode 403: Telltale Tails

The nature, function and wide variety of tails in the animal kingdom, from the prehensile tails of the New World monkeys, to the fly swishing tails of the pig family, to the display tails of lemurs, as well as why some animals don’t have a tail at all.

Episode 404: Heads Up!

What serves as a head in the animal kingdom, from the round and familiar (two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth) head of the primates, to those with long jaws or snouts, to the big head-foot octopus, to the headless wonders, the sea jellies, of the deep.

Episode 405: Something's Fishy!

Everything that’s special about fish, both the bony and the cartilaginous, from breathing with gills, to their scales, to their fins, both single and paired, to the wide variety of coloring and markings.  How fish live, swim and survive.

Episode 406: Man's Best Friend

A closer look at the domestic dog: its super senses, how breeding has changed its appearance and why, different breeds and their histories and background and what working dogs do.  Also featuring the wolf, the dog’s ancestor, and various other members of the dog family from foxes to wild dogs.

Episode 407: Curious Cats

The cat family, from the domestic cat to the wild cats: how size is not the factor that separates the big cats from the rest of the wild cats, where domestic cats came from, and how wild cats hunt.

Episode 408: Felids & Canids

A comparative look at the members of the dog and cat family: their super senses, their respective roles as carnivorous predators, which is the fastest and which is the long distance runner, and how they live: the wolf’s/dog’s pack, the lion’s pride, and the solitary cheetah.

Episode 409: Who's A Reptile? 

A panoramic look at a variety of reptiles, from snakes to lizards to alligators to turtles and tortoises.  What makes a reptile a reptile, what characteristics they all share and what makes them different and why.

Episode 410: The Kingdom Of The Horse

The animal kingdom’s biggest mysteries are uncovered and secrets revealed about the countless misconceptions that still exist from the leafy sea dragon, to the sea cucumber and many other surprising creatures as we play TO TELL THE TRUTH!

Episode 411: Variety Show!: The Greatest Mysteries Of The Animal Kingdom

An exploratory journey into the Animal Kingdom’s greatest mysteries from what exactly is a seahorse, to why can’t ostriches fly, to why tigers have stripes, to what on Earth is an  elephant’s trunk?

Episode 412: Appearances Can Be Deceiving 

A panorama of interesting animals whose looks defy their true identity, from the naked mole rat (not a mole, not a rat), to the okapi, the only living relative of the giraffe, to the false gharial and its “true” crocodilian counterpart.

Episode 413: Rats & Pigs 

A walk on the wild side with members of the pig family and those rodents whose names have negative connotations but who are really remarkable, if not admirable creatures.

Episode 414: Big Hairy Spiders & Other Toxic Creatures

A visit into the world of the arachnids, and a vivid explanation of which animals are venomous and why, like the tarantula and the rattlesnake, and which are poisonous, like the poison dart frog.

Episode 415: Skin, Fur & Feathers

A very close look at animals with interesting skin such as turtles in their shells and thick-skinned pachyderms like the hippo and the elephant; to remarkable, animals with fur, like the polar bear with its hollow hairs; and also birds, the only animals with feathers.

Episode 416: Variety Show!: The Most Amazing Animal Facts

A panoramic look at animals that are truly amazing, from the echidna, an egg-laying mammal, to a kangaroo that lives in trees, to the only living North American marsupial, the opossum.

Episode 417: The Wild Life: A Chimp's Life

A close look at a family of eight chimpanzees, living in an-almost-like-the wild habitat in the zoo, their individual stories and some amazing facts about these great apes.

Episode 418: The Birds & The Bees...and Bats

An introduction to animals with wings from birds, to mammals, to insects, and what makes flight possible, and necessary, in the animal world.

Episode 419: Super Senses

Animals who have more than the traditional five senses, from the smell-taste sense of those possessing the amazing Jacobson organ (snakes, lions, zebras), to the swim bladder that keeps fish from colliding into each other.

Episode 420: The Wild Life: Life On The River's Edge

A journey down the life-sustaining river where near-the-water dwellers include the humongous Nile hippopotamus, the giant anteater, the river otter, and the strange looking bush dog.

Episode 421: Variety Show!: The Top Misconceptions in the Animal Kingdom

Some of the whopping misconceptions that still exist from  ‘dolphins are fish’ (not), to ‘bald eagles are bald’ (not), to the belief that there’s only one kind of elephant (not).

Episode 422: Wings & Butterflies! 

Delving into the secrets of one of the most beloved insects in the world: the colorful, graceful, winged butterflies: what they eat, how they live and how they fly.

Episode 423: Birds Of Prey

The great predatory birds, from the eagle to the hawk to the owl; how they hunt, how they fly, their super senses, and the adaptations that help them to pursue and capture prey; their fascinating historic relationship with mankind.

Episode 424: The Wild Life: Life's A Crowd

What animals are the most social of them all: a clan of meerkats, a prairie dog coterie and town, a group of dwarf mongooses; and what constitutes groups living together, from herds, to hives, to extended primate families.

Episode 425: Wings? Who Needs Wings?! 

Flightless penguins: how they live and how they survive, and the neighboring puffin: why one can fly and the other can’t.

Episode 426: Who's At The Zoo, Too? 

A look back at some of the new zoos we visited this season to revisit some special animals: Cinder, the hairless chimpanzee at the St. Louis Zoo; Scooby, the maneless lion at Branson Zoo & Aquarium, among many others; how zoos are not just displaying animals for our enjoyment and edification but are helping animals to survive as both a species and as individuals.

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